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Creating a lead scoring system

Written by Dale Foster | Jun 12, 2024 10:30:00 AM

Effective lead scoring helps businesses focus on the most promising prospects.

What is lead scoring?

Lead scoring is a methodology used by businesses to evaluate and rank potential leads based on their likelihood of becoming a customer. It assigns a numerical value or score to each lead based on their attributes, behaviours, and interactions with marketing and sales efforts. The purpose of lead scoring is to prioritise leads, identify the most promising prospects, and optimise sales and marketing resources.

Lead scoring typically involves assigning points or weights to various criteria that are indicative of a lead's potential value. These criteria can include demographic information (e.g., company size, industry), firmographic data (e.g., job title, seniority), engagement with marketing materials (e.g., email opens, link clicks), website interactions (e.g., page visits, content downloads), and explicit actions (e.g., requesting a demo, submitting a contact form).

How does a lead scoring system work?

By assigning scores to these criteria, businesses can create a ranking system that allows them to focus their efforts on leads with the highest scores. Hot leads with high scores are considered more likely to convert and may be prioritised for immediate follow-up by the sales team. Warm leads with moderate scores may require further nurturing and targeted marketing campaigns. Cold leads with lower scores may need additional qualification or nurturing before they are ready to engage with the sales team.

What are the benefits?

  • Strong, real-time leads: Using an automation tool such as HubSpot, lead scoring can improve the alignment between marketing and sales teams, ensuring that leads are passed to sales at the optimal time.
  • Targeted communications: Lead scoring can improve customer segmentation, allowing for personalised engagement and tailored campaigns.

Creating a lead scoring model

Using demographic, firmographic and engagement data we can start to map out point allocation and how those audience members should be targeted.

Demographic & firmographic scoring example

Company size

Enterprise-level companies

10 points


Mid-sized companies

5 points


Small businesses

1 point



Target industry

10 points


Related industry

5 points



1 point


Job title


10 points



5 points



1 point


Engagement scoring example

Email opens

Opening an email

5 points

Link clicks

Clicking on a link within an email

10 points

Website visits

Visiting the website

15 points

Content downloads

Downloading a whitepaper or eBook

20 points

Event registrations

Registering for a webinar or event

25 points


Behaviour scoring example

Requesting a demo

Requests a product demonstration

30 points

Submitting a contact form

Submits a contact form

15 points

Engaging with sales representatives

Schedules a meeting or engages in a sales conversation

25 points


Calculate your lead score

Sum up the points from lead qualification criteria, engagement scoring, and behaviour scoring.
For example, if a lead is from an enterprise-level company (10 points), opened an email (5 points), visited the website (15 points), and requested a demo (30 points), their total score would be 60 points.


Lead categorisation and action

  • Hot leads: Leads with a score above 80 points are considered "hot" and should be prioritised for immediate follow-up by the sales team.
  • Warm leads: Leads with a score between 40 and 80 points are considered "warm" and should be nurtured with targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Cold leads: Leads with a score below 40 points may require further nurturing and qualification before being passed to the sales team.


Lead nurturing and conversion

  • Design lead nurturing campaigns tailored to each lead category (hot, warm, cold) to further engage and educate leads.
  • Implement personalised content and offers to move leads through the sales funnel.
  • Regularly review lead scores and progress to identify opportunities for conversion and handover to the sales team.


Regular evaluation and refinement

  • Analyse the effectiveness of your lead scoring system by tracking conversion rates, revenue generated, and sales cycle length.
  • Collect feedback from the sales team to identify areas for improvement or adjustment in lead scoring criteria.
  • Regularly review and update your lead scoring plan to ensure its alignment with your business goals and changing market dynamics.


Remember, this is a sample lead scoring plan, and you should customise it based on your specific business, industry, and target audience. Continuously monitor and optimise your lead scoring strategy to improve lead quality, increase conversion rates, and drive business growth.

Ensuring your lead scoring is effective

Lead scoring is designed to help target and convert potential customers, so to reach maximum impact remember to:

  • Align with sales goals

Your lead scoring strategy should be designed to help you achieve your sales goals. Make sure that the lead scoring criteria you choose are aligned with the criteria that your sales team uses to qualify leads.

  • Stay relevant to your target audience

Your lead scoring criteria should be relevant to your target audience. What are the characteristics of the leads that are most likely to convert into customers? Once you know who your ideal customers are, you can start to create lead scoring criteria that will identify them.

  • Ensure accurate measurement

You need to be able to track and measure the lead scoring criteria you choose and that accurately reflects the likelihood of a lead converting into a customer. This will help you to see which criteria are most effective in identifying high-quality leads.

  • Build a scalable model

Your lead scoring strategy should be scalable. This means that it should be able to accommodate changes in your business, such as growth in your customer base or changes in your target market.

  • Make your plan flexible

Your lead scoring strategy should be flexible. This means that you should be able to adjust it as needed, such as when your business goals change or when you learn more about your target audience.

  • Automate as much as possible

Your lead scoring strategy should be automated. This means that you should be able to automate the process of assigning lead scores using a lead scoring system best suited to your data. This will save you time and resources.

  • Integrate with other automation platforms

If it is not directly set up within your marketing automation software of choice, your lead scoring strategy should be integrated with it. This will allow you to automate the process of assigning lead scores and to track and measure the effectiveness of your lead scoring strategy.